Hash tables

The goal with hash tables mainly is to be able to retrieve information about an item instantaneously. Something that’s running time is O(1).


Hash functions are essentially when you input a string and are returned a number. Think of it as a way to map from strings to numbers.

Why does this work?

  1. Hash functions consistently map a name to the same index (value)

  2. Hash functions map different strings to different indexes.

  3. Hash functions know how big your array already is and can only return valid indexes.

Everything, as described above, is known as a hash table.

Other common names include: hash maps, maps, dictionaries, and associative arrays.

Common use cases generally include: lookups, translation, correlation, preventing duplicate entries, and in cache.

Sometimes, what happens is that whenever we bin values together (alphabet words), we end up with 2 or more words that fall under the same index. This is known as collision. (2 keys have been assigned the same slot)

The simplest solution used right now is to use linked lists. But there’s a problem here; if you’re data is not evenly distributed i.e. only one node has the majority of lists, you’re going to slow down your table.

What do you do? Create a proper hash function that maps the keys evenly throughout the hash.

Running time

Hash tables run in O(1) time aka constant time (which means instantaneously). Your worst case is O(n) time.


It’s important you don’t hit worst-case scenarios when working with hash tables. To do that, you need to avoid collisions. To do that, you need: a low load factor and a good hash function.

The load factor is essentially the Number of items in hash table / total number of slots.

Ex. if I had a hash table with length 5 and I’ve filled in 2 slots, then my load factor is: 2/5 = 0.4

When your load factor starts to grow, you need to add more slots to your hash table. This is generally known as resizing.

Quick note: lower load factors lead to fewer collisions + results in increased performance. A rule of thumb mentioned in the book is to resize whenever the load factor ≥ 0.7.

Yes, averaged out, hash tables will still take only O(1) for resizing