Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer is generally used in situations where you need to solve a problem that can’t be solved with the existing algorithms you’ve learned.

It can also be known as a recursive technique used to solve these problems. Think of D&C like this whole new framework used for solving problems.

Let’s say that we have this farm:


You cut the 1680x640 farm into 2 squares, each of length 640. Now your problem is that you need to split up the smaller segment (640x400).

If you find the biggest box for that size (640x400), then that’ll be the biggest box which will work for the entire farm! Notice how you reduced the problem from a 1680x640 farm to a 640x400 farm.

And now, you simply apply the algorithm again and again until you find the perfect case.


So for recap, D&C can be broken down into 2 main steps:

  1. Figure out a simple case as the base case

  2. Figure out how to reduce your problem and get to the base case.


Remember that D&C isn’t a simple algorithm that you can apply to a problem. Instead, it’s a framework that you can use to think about a problem.

Here’s array summing in recursion:


This is known as functional programming (Haskell).