Bloom filters + HyperLogLog

The main problem is that you want to go through a large list to figure out whether an element is in a large set.

The fastest way to do this could be with a has; you have 2 columns: {website_name: checked_or_not}. So, if I wanted to check if I already saw `<>`_, then I can just look it up in the hash.

Remember that the average lookup time is O(1).

What’s the problem though: these hash tables are HUGE. It’s a space problem.

Bloom filters are essentially probabilistic data structures. Although false positives might be possible, false negatives are NOT.

The main benefit here is that Bloom filters take up very little space to operate it at. Tables have to store every single URL by Google while it’s ok to be wrong in these scenarios.

HyperLogLog is also quite similar. You can approximate the number of unique elements in a set (ex. Amazon wants to count the # of unique elements that users looked at today) with a fraction of the memory.